TUn TZ1-TILZ7XY JOURNAL, LOGAN U1AU, ENFTLNBEG 17 U31 VASHINGTON LETTER. From Our Jieguar Cirrnponisnt. started by Senator Stewart, has been put into the hands of Hr. Brvan. Washington, Sept.
9, 1901. li-iuko Padllc Allis, oinillvlile, Invites The Farmers of Cache to Bring Their Custom Work. Floor tor U11M Qualltu ol Flour Uo8orD38sed Cash Paid for. Wheat If Preferred. WILLIAM HASLAM, Proprietor.
Famous Remedy for Worms A LIST. Mr. J. R. Edwards, Logan Since the introduction of that splendid reme dy, Professor Hawks Sweet Worm Los-enges.
Into opr home, all stomach troubles of our children, such as indigestion, biliousness, flatulence and constipation, have vanished' It ia especially valuable as a worm deetroyer, and instead of being eick while the worms are being expelled, the children are much healthier than before. It ia valuable preparation, and has our heartiest endorsem*nt. Mrs. A. Dabi aud Mrs.
A. Hanco*ck, Mendon Mrs. Geo. Snmmar, Paradise; Mrs. Geo.
Fredrickson, Avon; Mrs. Geo. Butt, Loean Mrs. Beitha Postal, Providence; Mrs. Eva.
Duggod, Providence; Mrs. Charles Hobbs, kranklin, and Mrs. J. C. Green, Logan.
JACQUES CARLISLE, OPERA BARBER SHOP. HOT AND COLD BATHS. EVERYTHING UP TO DATE Basem*nt Tliatclier Sank- We are thoi headquarters for choicest Beef, Mutton. Pork, Veal and Lamb. Cur Sausage is the.
best in town. We carry a large stock cf Hams, Bacon, Ham Sausage, Weinerworst, Boiled Ham and Corned Beef. We are the only manufacturers of Bologna sausage in the city. Fish and Came In Season. Everything Guaranteed 1st Clrs AT G.
Ey. Are you going to visit the Tan-American Exposition in Buffalo this summer? If so it ia none too early for you to commence flgnrihg on which is the most desirable route. There is ho doubt but what you would be more than leased with a trip over the Chicago, Milwaukee A bt. Paul Bailway, This road baa putin the extremely low rates of 68 15 by way of the Standard lines And ((37-60 by way of th6 Differential Lines from Logan to Buffalo and Return, tickets good SO days. Write us for further information.
L. L. Downing, Com'l Agent C. M. St.
P. Railway, Salt Lake flity. ART IN WATCH WORE. A Branch cf Mechanics Which Hu Made Gigantic Strides. mat's the tim? is quests which every man is asked, on an aver-r ge, at least once a day.
And how mor- tifying it is to be forcsd to reply. My watch is out of order. And evrrr of order at some period or other. Like every deli-cie mechanism, it has its bad time. Then there is a very important question to deride It Is, What jeweler shall the watch he taken to? An incompe-tent mechanic will do as much damage as a cyclone in a Kansas town Therefore, the jeweler should be carefully selected.
There is at least one in towa win may he relied upon for first-class work ami long experience in the business, whor* work is guaranteed for years. OwoDD.fi Johnson. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrico-a-Week Edition Almost a Daily at the Price cf a The campaign Is over bat the world gees on jast the same and it is fall of To learu this, just as it i promptly and impartially all that you have to do is to look in the columns of The Thriee-a-Week Edition of The New York World which comes to tht bscriber 158 times a year. Tho Week Worlds diligence as a publisher of first news has given it circulation wherever the English language is spoken and you want it. The Thrice a Week Worlds regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year.
Wa offer this uoqualed newspaper and The Journal together one year for $3.50 cath in advance. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $4.00. and Trade-Mark obtained and all -dCotbaaineae conducted for Moo marc Ftl. Ornct is opfoi'TI u.S.Patcnt we can secure patent in less time than tboat1 Memot torn Washington. Send model, drawing or with deecriy-Zon.
Wa tdviae, if patentable or not, free of ttiurgoi Our fee not due tiH patent ie tecured. PaMPHtrT. MHow to Obtain Patents, with oet ad Same in the U.S. and foreign coamUie eeni iron. Address, C.A.SHOW&CO.
Op. Pstcnt Orncc, Wasmisto. D. 1-s trwrv VlL- The woman look greatly eerbnrdetc and yet the physical burden she carrie will net compare with the burden borne by many an American woman. There i no burden tike the bur-den of The woman who suffer from- Inflammation or ulceration, bearing-down pains, weak back and nervousness, bear a burden which crushes her Terr life.
Every woman should know that Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription make weak women strong and sick women It cure the womanly diseases which cause weakness and feebleness. It quiet the nerves, cures the aching "back and'tkrobbiug head, and gives strength for wifely cares and maternal duties. When I find wrote ta you I iu bad condition, and had ahnoat given Mrs. Bella Snider, of WlUtesriUe, Vinton Cq Ohio 1 waa anfierlug from fotiale touble of the worst kind .1 ermWut cot anything vrithou Buffering gret dUtresa: throat hurt me bv spells waa ucrvoua and weak.
Had numb hands and arma. heart trouble, pains all through my body and aching head and neck. It seemed that I could not work at all. I ot Dr. Pierce medicine and took it as directed, and the first week it began to help me.
I took three bottles and om glad to xv that it did me more good than all the other medicine I ever took. I feel better than I have for years." Dr. Piercea Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is tent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only, or if cloth bound volume is desired, send 31 stamps. Address Dr. k.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ears, theres yet fried chieken, and it isnt bad. ANOTHER VONDER OF SCIENCE Biolsgy has Proved tkat Dandruff Is caused by a Germ. Science is doing wonders these daj 8 in medicine as well as in mechanics.
Since Adam delved, the human race has been troubled with dandruff, for which no hair preparation has heretofore proved a successful eure until Newbros Herpicide was put on the market. It is a scientific preparation that kills the germ that makes dandruff or scurf by digging iuto the scalp to get at the root of the hair, where it saps the vitality; causing itching sealp, falling hair and finally baldness. Without dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly. Herpicide at all druggists. It is the only destroyer of dandruff.
A Shocking Calamity Lately befell a railroad laborer, writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Williford, Ark. His foot was badly crushed, but Bucklens Arnica Salve quickly cured him. Its simply wonderful for Burns, Boils, Piles, and all skin Its the worlds champion healer.
Care guaranteed. 25c. Sold by Riter Br.s. Drug Co. The Curse Of Womankind Is sick and nervous headaches.
Shermana Hoadache cure gives instant relief. One dose cures. Guar anteed perfectly harmless Immediate relief. 25c. and lOo.
a box. It cures neuralgia. Every box guaranteed. For sale by Riter Sole Agents. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great Favorite.
TheEOOthing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a great favorite with people It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and ks it contains no opium nr other harmful drug.it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Riter Bros. Drag Co. A Bad Brekth Is the most disgusting thing one can be afflicted with. It is nauseating to those with whom you come in contact.
Lane's Tea, taken at night, will keep the stomach and bowels in their proper condition (and make your breath clean. 25c and 50c. a package. For sale by Riter Sole Agents. jC The terrible calamity which hai befallen President McKinley has been almost the sole topic' of con versation in -Washington since Friday night.
The news came just as people employed in the departments, were going home to dinner, and just before the ah ops closed for the night. There were some hundreds of people who did not go home to dinner at all. They stood about in front of the bulletin boards watching for the latest report and discussing the news. The three great newspaper offices, the Times, the Post and the Star, all ccnpy buildings on Pennsylvania avenne within about four blocks of each, other, and that part of the great thoroughfare was black with people one standing -in front of the treasury and looking toward the Capital it might have seemed that an actual shadow had fallen across the pathway which had been twice traversed by President McKinley on his way to take the oath of inauguration. These erowds were not mere curiosity-impelled sensation-hunters.
They felt a Sense of personal affliction, for there has been no more popular President in the White House since its erection than Mr. McKinley has been so far as his private character is concerned. His enemies are made by his public acts and the party to which he belongs; his personal friends are found in all parties. The lesson taught by this tragic vent was pointed out immediately. As one energetic person put it, in discussing the first bulletin, This means "Round up the Reds! While to the masses of the people the tragedy was unexpected and unaccountable, it was not so to many astute observers of public vents in this city and elsewhere.
The assassinations of the Empress Elizabeth and of King- Humbert foreshadowed only too plainly the selection of another victim in the near future, and the United States, as yet untouched bf Anarchistic plots of this kind, was the field most likely to be selected for the next coup. President McKinley owed his misfortune to the fact that he happened to be President at this particular time, not to anything whatever that he may hare done. This is fortunate, since it relieves all his antagonists from the fearful odium of having suggested or encouraged any crazy fanatic to commit such a crime. The matter had been carefully arranged uud planned by a society of Anarchists, and the man selected to do the deed calmly did as he was told. The question is, how such thiags can be prevented in future.
It is futile to expect to prevent them by guarding all public men. The network of police in Russia does not protect the There is no way of shutting out immigrants which will absolutely nullify the danger. The suggestion of a morning paper the day after the event, that restriction of iramigra-. tion is the lesson which it teaches, became absurd when it was found that the assassin was born in this country. The remedy seems to be strict police supervision of such dangerous societies.
They are against the law, as much as a burglars association or a murder club would be; in fact, they are murder clubs. They should be compelled either to hold their meetings in public, with the understanding that incendiary speeches will not be tolerated, or they should be suppruwcd, imprisoned and de-. ported. It will not do to tolerate such epidemics, auy more than to let small-pox remain unquarantined. The Navy Department has concluded that Captain Forsyths explanation of his alleged newspaper interview on the Schley case may be accepted, and he is forgiven.
Possibly the comparison with the case of Admiral Howisou and Captaim.CliadwickAv: so- promptly made by a dozen alert papers, -had something tq do this for an interrogation poiut sometimes pricks. The historic National Watchman, once the iSilvcr Knight, Kimtsrly Sii It. If Rear-Admiral Lewis A. war to hare been one of the court of inquiry that is to examine iuto the case of Rear Admiral Schley, were to revise Goldsmith he would probably write a familiar distich thus: Man wants but Little here below, Nor wants that Little Large. When he was at Apia some years ago, during the petty Samoan war, there were among the volunteer nurses two Englishwomen, a Miss Large, who happened to be of diminutive stature, and a Mrs.
Little, who was really large. JThe admirals mind was so full of serious problems that he wss bothered in getting the names of the two ladies attached to the right personalities. The appearance of the large one conveyed a suggestion which naturally made him call her Mrs. Large, and the little woman, by the same mental process, became for him Miss Little. That was all very well for a few times, and then Mrs.
Little expostulated. She could take a joke, but when carried too far it began to look like insult. The admiral expressed deep, regret that he should have thus distressed her, and naval tradition represents him as offering an explanation somewhat iu this wise: Mrs. Little, were you less large I should have no difficulty in remembering that you are Little, but yon yourself must acknowledge that large as you are it is a little hard to call you Little. You know that a large care rests upon me, and I have little time for little matters like this.
with me a little, and you willvsee what is largely responsible for my seeming neglect to recall your name. When I meet yon and your excellent colleague, Miss Large, I recognize yon immediately, Mrs. Little. Bnt so long as Miss Large is little anc Mrs. Little is large, then my mine trips me.
I make the natural mistake of calling Miss Large Miss Little and Mrs. Little Mrs. Large. But now that.yon have called my attention to my unfortunate error I shall not make that blunder again. All that I must do is to fix my mind that Little is large and Large is little, and therefere if I call the little one Large and the large one Little 1 shall be.
all right. Thank you so mnch for setting me right. Saturday Evening Post. The Reign of the Hen. The Columbia Herald, of Columbia, is authority for the following Corn has been dethroned in Mis souri.
Chicken is King! During the last twelve months the tola shipment of poultry and eggs from Missouri has been $12,571,467.83. This is an increase of almost $500-000 over the previous year. The State Labor Bureau has made some comparisons with these figures as a basis. Aggregating the shipments of wheat, corn, oats, flaxseed, rye, barley, timothyseed, cloverseed, milletseed, caneseed, castor beans, broom corn, bay, straw, and apples, and the Missouri hen beats the aggregation $75,000. Take all the products of forest and dairy, and the barnyard is still ahead.
Combine the value of the products of the coal mines, the nurseries and the orchards, and the hen is nearly $500,000 ahead. Poultry and eggs equal in shipping value one-fifth the receipts from all the cattle, hogs, sheep, horses and mules. The drouth has not affected the heu. The hot weather has made her food scarce and hard to keep. But she is still very much alive and in earnest.
The harvest of the barnyard will do much too ffset the loss of the com tcrop. Poultry has been regarded as one of the minor items in the farm products. The drouth may teach its importance and increasing value. If we cannot have roasting floriGffiurai gohgqb oi Utah iom mil. JThf.
Scientific Technical College of tiie State. Provides; Liberal, Thorough, and Practical Education. i The Agricultural College of Utah offers thorough cuurses in; Agriculture, Domestic Science, Commerce, Civil Engineering, Me- chanical Engineering, General Science, Manual Training in Me! chanic Arts and in Domestic Arts; also a Preparatory Course. The equipment comprises 16 buildings, frith modern class; rooms; chemical, biological, mineralogical, physical, and soil-; physics laboratories; department museums; forge, and machine shops; kitchen, sewing room3; library and; reading rooms; thoroughly equipped commercial rooms; and such; additional apparatus, instruments, and machinery as are required for thorough fcftd efficient work thronghout all departments. The faculty numbers 37.
The fall terms opens September 17, 1901. 1 3 For illustrated catalogue and other information address, Agricultural College, Lob ax; Utah. 1- r-v rv.