Open and view DjVu online (2024)

Here you can download the library and the viewer .js and .css files.

Download DjVu.js library (version 0.5.4)

Download DjVu.js Viewer (version 0.10.0)

Note that since the version 0.5.0 all viewer's CSS is inside the js file. So no separate djvu_viewer.css is provided.

You can downloadthe previous versions here.

How to use it

Create a folder with files that you downloaded from here (djvu.js, djvu_viewer.js). Then in the same folder create an .html file (let's say index.html) with the following content.

<!DOCTYPE html><html><header> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="djvu.js"></script> <script src="djvu_viewer.js"></script> <style> #for_viewer { height: 80vh; width: 90vw; margin: 5vh auto; border: 1px solid black; } </style> <script> window.onload = function() { // save as a global value window.ViewerInstance = new DjVu.Viewer(); // render into the element window.ViewerInstance.render( document.querySelector("#for_viewer") ); }; </script></header><body> <div id="for_viewer"></div></body></html>

If you use Mozilla Firefox web browser, then you can just open the index.html and you will see the DjVu.js viewer, which will work absolutely the same wayas it does on the main page of this website. But if you use Google Chrome or Opera, you won't see anything except for some errors in the console. It's concerned with that theDjVu.js uses the Web Workers API of the web browsers and Chrome doesn't allow the script to create a Worker, when the file is loaded from the file system directly. In other words, you just needto start a local web server in order to make everything work as it works on the Internet. Any static web server will do.

For example, if you have Node.js installed, you can just use the serve package to run a simple static web server. Run the following commands in your shell.

npm install -g serve

to install the serve package globally and then head to the directory, where our files are kept, and run

serve -p 5000

in order to start the local server (you may change the port as you wish). Then just open http://localhost:5000/ and you will see the viewer.

Programmatic API

Furthermore, the viewer has an API, which allows to open djvu files programmatically:

  • loadDocument(buffer, name = "***", config = null) - acceptsthe ArrayBuffer and a name of a document which should be shown at footer(it's optional).
  • async loadDocumentByUrl(url, config = null) - loads the documents asan ArrayBuffer and then invokes the previous method.
  • configure(config) - just sets the options. Note, that when a document isloaded some options are reset to the initial ones, so you have to call themethod again or use the last parameter of the two previous methods.
  • getPageNumber() - returns the current page number.
  • on(eventName, handler) - to add an event handler.
  • off(eventName) - to remove an event handler.

The config is an object containing options for the viewer. It's an optionalparameter. It has the following shape:

// any of the parameters may be omitted, use only those you needviewer.configure({ name: "MyDjVuDocument.djvu", viewMode: 'continuous', pageNumber: 10, pageRotation: 90, pageScale: 2, language: 'ru', theme: 'dark', djvuOptions: { baseUrl: "/url/to/directory/with/indirect/djvu/" }, uiOptions: { hideFullPageSwitch: true, changePageOnScroll: false, showContentsAutomatically: false, onSaveNotification: { text: "Here is your notification/agreement for the user", yesButton: "Text on the yes button", // optional noButton: "Text on the no button", // optional }, hideOpenAndCloseButtons: false, hidePrintButton: true, hideSaveButton: false, },})
  • name - the visible name of the opened document. It is also used when thedocument is saved.
  • viewMode - the view mode. The possible values are text, singleand continuous.
  • pageNumber - the number of the currently opened page. Greater than or equalto 1. If it's less than 1, 1 will be used, if it's greater than the totalnumber of pages in a document, then the last page number will be used.
  • pageRotation - the rotation of a page, it can be 0, 90, 180, 270.
  • pageScale - the scale of a page, it is a number from 0.1 to 6 (~ 10% to600%). Numbers less/greater than the limits are replaced by the limitsthemselves, to wit, 8 will be treated as 6, and 0.001 as 0.1, 0 will beignored at all, and the default scale value (which is 1) will be used.
  • language - 2-character language code like ru, en, sv etc.Use DjVu.Viewer.getAvailableLanguages()to get the full list of languageswhich can be used. Note, you alsocan add your own language.
  • theme - the color theme. Either light or dark. By default the browser'scolor scheme is used (or the value save in the local storage).
  • djvuOptions - an object which is passed to the library. Now there is onlyone option - the base url, which is the url to the directory containing thefiles of an indirect djvu. For bundled djvu this parameter is not required.The base url is extracted automatically from a url to the index.djvu, whenthe loadDocumentByUrl is called, but in case of loadDocument method, thisparameter should be provided manually.
  • uiOptions - options to adjust the UI of the viewer:
    • hideFullPageSwitch - if true there will be no full-page mode switch. Itmay be used, if the viewer takes the whole page by default, so the switch isuseless.
    • changePageOnScroll - relevant only for single-page view mode. By default,if you continue to scroll, when a page has been already scrolled to the verybottom, there will be a transition to the next page. When this optionis false this behavior is disabled.
    • showContentsAutomatically - by default, if there is a table of contents ina document, it's shown automatically right after the document has beenopened. When this parameter is false, the table of contents is keptminimized.
    • onSaveNotification - an object containing 3 fields: text - the maintext, yesButton (optional) - what is written on the "yes" button,noButton (optional) - what is written on the "no" button. It's needed ifyou want to show some notification/agreement to the user when he tries todownload a document.
    • hideOpenAndCloseButtons - if true the document cannot be changed via theuser interface.
    • hidePrintButton - hides the print button when true.
    • hideSaveButton - hides the save button when true.

There are several static methods and properties:

  • DjVu.Viewer.VERSION - the current version of the viewer.
  • DjVu.Viewer.getAvailableLanguages() - a method to get the list of languagesadded to the viewer.
  • DjVu.Viewer.Events - an object containing events which are fired by theviewer (see further examples):
    • PAGE_NUMBER_CHANGED - fired when the number of a currently opened page ischanged. The event handler receives no arguments.

Escape hatch API

Also, there is a so-called "escape hatch" API, namely:

DjVu.Viewer.Constants, DjVu.Viewer.ActionTypes, DjVu.Viewer.get (all Reduxselectors), and - Redux store with getState()and dispatch() methods. These values are exposed to allow quick temporarysolutions, if the stable programmatic API isn't enough. If you know Reduxarchitecture and have studied the source code, you will be able to call anyaction programmatically without changing the source code. However, it's stronglyrecommended creating a feature request if the current API isn't enough,because "escape hatch" API changes often during the development.

More examples

If you want to load file, select the page number and keep track of what page iscurrently open, you can do the following:

async function loadDocument() { const viewer = new DjVu.Viewer(); viewer.render(document.getElementById('for_viewer')); await viewer.loadDocumentByUrl('assets/my-djvu-file.djvu'); viewer.configure({ // you also can pass the same object as a second parameter to .loadDocumentByUrl() pageNumber: 10, }); viewer.on(Djvu.Viewer.Events.PAGE_NUMBER_CHANGED, () => { // no args are passed here console.log('Page number changed to', viewer.getPageNumber()); })}

Also you can load the file by your own (as an ArrayBuffer) and then use the loadDocument method. However, in case of the loadDocumentByUrl you will see the progress bar of loading, if your file is rather big.

You can create several links to djvu files and open them in the viewer, when a user clicks on them. Here is the complete example:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><header> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script id="djvu_js_lib" src="djvu.js"></script> <script src="djvu_viewer.js"></script> <script src="reloader.js"></script> <script> window.onload = function() { // save as a global value window.ViewerInstance = new DjVu.Viewer(); // render into the element window.ViewerInstance.render( document.querySelector("#for_viewer") ); // get all special links document.querySelectorAll('a.djvu').forEach(link => { link.addEventListener('click', e => { // we don't want to download the file e.preventDefault(); // open the file in the viewer by its url ViewerInstance.loadDocumentByUrl(link.href); }); }); }; </script> <style> /* make it pretty-looking */ body { height: 100vh; margin: 0; } #for_viewer { height: 80vh; width: 90vw; margin: 5vh auto; border: 1px solid black; } a.djvu { display: inline-block; margin: 2vh 2vw; border: 1px solid gray; text-decoration: none; color: inherit; padding: 1vh 1vw; border-radius: 0.5em; } a.djvu:hover { background: lightgray; } </style></header><body> <a href="DjVu3Spec.djvu" class="djvu">Open DjVu3Spec.djvu</a> <a href="colorbook.djvu" class="djvu">Open colorbook.djvu</a> <div id="for_viewer"></div></body></html>

The same technique is used on the main page of this website. You can open both DjVu3Spec.djvu and colorbook.djvu in the viewer on the main page, then save them through the viewer (Ctrl+S) and run the example posted above. Note that you have to run a local server to make everything work.

Open and view DjVu online (2024)


How can I open a DjVu file for free? ›

How to Open a DJVU File. The free Sumatra PDF program is probably the quickest and easiest way to open DJVU files. It can also save an open DJVU file to a TXT file for easy reading without any graphics. has a list of some other programs that open DJVU files, like DjVuLibre for Mac and Windows.

How to open DjVu file on Chrome? ›

The Google Chrome version of the extension allows to open local files by a browser directly (via a double-click)! But you have to enable the "Allow access to file URLs", option on the extension's options page. Otherwise, the new feature won't work.

What kind of file is DjVu? ›

DJVU file is a graphics file format developed by AT&T Labs. The DJVU file format was primarily designed to store different kinds of scanned documents containing a combination of text, pictures, indexed color images, and line drawings. This format is very popular due to the high compression ratio of scanned documents.

How can I open a PDF file without paying? ›

To view PDF files on your Windows PC, you first need to download a PDF reader. Luckily, many PDF readers, such as Adobe Acrobat, have free versions, so you don't have to pay to read PDFs on your computer. Download the reader from the internet and follow the prompts to install it on your computer.

What is the best software to convert DjVu to PDF? ›

novaPDF can easily convert DjVu files to PDF documents – once installed, simply press the Print button, choose novaPDF as the printer and your DjVu document will be converted to a PDF.

What can read DjVu? ›

Calibre. Calibre is an eBook management software that supports multiple formats, including DjVu. It works on Windows, macOS, and other popular operating systems.

Why do people use DjVu? ›

The primary usage of the DjVu format has been the electronic distribution of documents with a quality comparable to that of printed documents.

Can Kindle read DjVu? ›

You can use Duokan. It is available for Kindle 2, 3, 4, 5 and DX versions. It's upgrade and it's safe. The extension allows Kindle to work with EPUB, CHM, DOC, TXT, ZIP, RAR, JPG, PNG, BMP and DJVU formats.

What is DjVu ransomware? ›

STOP/DJVU is a widespread ransomware family known for its malware attacks. It encrypts victims' files and demands payment for their release.

What software opens DjVu files? ›

Calibre. Calibre is an eBook management software that supports multiple formats, including DjVu. It works on Windows, macOS, and other popular operating systems.

Can DjVu be converted to EPUB? ›

Our DJVU to EPUB Converter is free and works on any web browser. We guarantee file security and privacy. Files are protected with 256-bit SSL encryption and automatically delete after a few hours.

Is DjVu to pdf safe? ›

Is it safe to convert DjVu files to PDFs? Absolutely! Our tool is very safe and secure. Your DjVu files and the converted PDFs will be deleted from our server after 60 minutes.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.